¶ I said in nature-writing class yesterday that they would return around the 22nd, but today, April 18th, the barn swallows were zipping around the CSU-Library building, their favorite nesting site.
Maybe some of the students who pass through its doors, oppressed by oncoming deadlines, will look up and notice them. Followers of Aristotle may note that there was more than one.
¶ Fighting global warming, one piece of rope at a time. Further comments at Tim Blair's blog where he draws a line.
¶ More on hummingbirds: after the last snow melted and the air temperature went above 60 F., a pair of broad-tailed hummers were at our feeder on the 15th No way of knowing if that was the same male that M. heard on the 5th.
¶ The Colorado legislature is now on the record in opposition to the Army's desired expansion of the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site (PCMS)--if it involves using eminent domain to get the land.
I mentioned some of the ironic aspects before.
Another might be that PCMS' public access--plus the Army's giving the Forest Service management of the "Picketwire Canyonlands" and the famous dinosaur trackway--have helped drive tourism in SE Colorado, where there never was much before.
So now when the Army wants to expand, there are more Coloradans who know the area and its natural attractions and who thus are more likely to opppose the expansion.
By contrast, back in the late 1970s when PCMS was envisioned, most people on the Front Range thought -- wrongly -- that "it's all flat out there." Now at least some know different.
Are they currently saying they'd leave public access to Picketwire?
As of the last public meeting in early June, the area that the Army wants is away from the river canyons and more to the north and west of the current Pinon Canyon Maneuver Area . . . I think.
Thanks for the info. I was wondering if you would consider putting the labels on your sidebar so people could find all your posts on given topics more easily?
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