January 21, 2018

Litte Dogs Need Armor Too -- Maybe More!

Dog armor with "HawkShield."
At first I thought this was one of those Internet spoofs, like Jihawg ammunition (contains pork, for use on Muslim terrorists) — just a website, no actual product.

For everyone in the wildland-urban interface, it's armor to product your smallish dog from coyotes and other threats.

And "HawkShield," because raptors are waiting for Max the Llasa Apso to go out on the grass to "do his business."

After all, if livestock guardian dogs can wear spiked colors, why shouldn't little Max have a "vest is made from ballistic nylon reinforced with a special stab-resistant Kevlar® that was originally developed by the U.S. Government for prison guard uniforms."

They'll call him Mad Max down at the dog park.

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