November 10, 2008

Blog Stew, Recycled

• Walking in the cities.

Walking can do that to you: take you to places you don't expect to go, people you don't expect to meet, entanglements you hadn't planned on.

• A Grand Junction paper reports that Sen. Ken Salazar does not wish to be Secretary of the Interior but predicts some changes in BLM's approach to oil and gas drilling. My pre-election thoughts about Obama and the West are here. (Via Coyote Gulch.)

Five myths about recycling, debunked by Popular Mechanics. Hat tip: Glenn Reynolds.)

• Michael Pollan (writing before the election) warns the president that food is a big, if somewhat occluded, issue for him to deal with.


Holly Heyser said...

I'd missed that Pollan piece, so I'm glad you pointed it out!

Chas S. Clifton said...

You're welcome!

Steve Bodio said...

The Pollan piece is good as always, but latest word is that O is going to appoint a corn biofuel- loving Big Ag guy from Iowa as Sec Ag. He may be reading but he is not listening.

Holly Heyser said...

My boyfriend and I were talking about this last night. He said, wisely, "Well, he is from Illinois..."

Oh well, change is rarely dramatic and immediate. Though we have noticed people are behaving better at four-way stop signs since the election.