September 24, 2011

No, You Can't Eat That, Says the Judge

Wisconsin judge says that there is no "right to eat" food that you yourself produce.

According to Wisconsin Judge Patrick J. Fiedler, you do not have a fundamental right to consume the food you grow or own or raise. The Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund, the pioneers in defending food sovereignty and freedom, recently argued before Judge Fiedler that you and I have a constitutional right to consume the foods of our choice. Judge Fiedler saw no merit to the argument and ruled against the FTCLDF. When they asked him to clarify his statement, these were his words:

“no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;”
“no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;”
“no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume the foods of their choice…”
 Read the rest.


Darrell said...

Tar and feathers. Failing that, rope. tree. Some assembly required.

Steve Bodio said...

In his fiery youth, Tom McGuane said "if trout are lost, smash the state". If you can't eat your own food...

Galen Geer said...

this needs to continue up the court system. I think the judge may have exceeded his intent of the original ruling (which I don't agree with) but he seems to be so much in love with himself that he had to keep writing, in which case he weakened his own argument.

The Suburban Bushwacker said...


Time to have a look at the judges books, bank accounts, and disbarment. So much for the land of the free.

Chas S. Clifton said...

I doubt that we have heard the end of this—I hope that it is just a temporary setback in a larger trend, for example, the keeping of chickens, etc., in cities.

After all, look at how the legal climate for firearms has changed in just fifteen years or so.

cmv1971 said...

This is the police state we know live in.. And we are ALL accountable for this.. We have become a nation of Fat and happy,, If it don't effect me and mine I don't care mentality.. Well guess what this is what we get for our ignorance.. We once took to the streets and know we have become sheeple. We have ourselves to blame. And we need to WAKE UP and STAND UP LIKE NOW!!!!!

cmv1971 said...

This is the police state we now live in.. This is OUR on faults and each and everyone of us is to blame.. We have become a nation of FAT and happy, If it does not directly effect our pockets we don't do anything.. So guess what people, this is what we get.. We once took to the streets to right wrongs.. Now we turn on reality T.V. We have become JOKES. We need to WAKE UP AND STAND UP LIKE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!