February 07, 2013

Happy Ninth Blogiversary

It was nine years ago today that I made my first post on this blog, which actually began as a class blog for my nature-writing class.

That first post included a photo of yet another ex-student, Mario Medina, in his historical persona as an interpreter at Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site near La Junta, Colorado.

When I made the blog my own, I removed the students' content — they had long since all moved on anyway.


Darrell said...

Congratulations! I enjoy your blog very much!

Camera Trap Codger said...

I second the motion. And one of these I want to see what remains, if anything of Bent's Fort.

Chas S. Clifton said...

The reconstructed Bent's Fort, built for the 1976 Bicentennial on the footprint (more or less) of the original, has lasted twice as long as the original. Ironic, eh?