February 27, 2011

New Mexico Wants Authentic Chiles

New Mexico lawmakers move to define and defend the state's chile peppers.

“What we’ve got is people coming in and selling chile and saying it’s from New Mexico, and some of it is being shipped in from Mexico or elsewhere,” said State Representative Andy Nuñez, a former chile farmer from Hatch and sponsor of the New Mexico Chile Advertising Act. “We’re trying to keep the integrity of New Mexico chile, which we think is the best.”

I wrote earlier how the promoters of Pueblo, Colorado, gazing southward, have begun defining that southern Colorado city around chile instead of steel, even though it produces more of the latter still.


Anonymous said...

This also means that they had better start supporting agriculture! Otherwise there will be no chile grown anywhere. Sigh...

The trade off between ag and cities has never made sense. Especially now. Places like Aurora need to rein in growth instead of taking ag water. I look at all the abandon farms/ranches around here and it blows my mind.

Chas S. Clifton said...

Do you think this Two Rivers outfit trying to add new irrigated farmland in eastern Huerfano County is really planning to do that?