¶ Dachshunds are the most aggressive species. One of the main dogs of my childhood was a dachshund: truly a Doberman in a 15-pound package. One day he decided to take on a Lab and a boxer. A two-week stay in vet hospital ensued, and he always limped in cold weather after that -- but he still went backpacking with Dad and me.
Patrick Burns disagrees with the study, which conflicts with his experience and some other studies on canine aggressiveness.
¶ Noise ruining the experience in some national parks.
¶ And the Park Service tries to reach people who think that the parks "aren't about them."
"Some people are startled by butterflies," [NPS social scientist James] Gramman said. "It's not like that can't be overcome, but if you don't do something, it will persist and it won't be overcome for generations."
It's sort of like the 1920s again: how do you get certain population groups to go camping and escape the baneful influence of "agitators."
My former student Ben Manzanares knows the story now.
¶ Jenny Shank interviews mammalogist David Armstrong for New West on climate change and Rocky Mountain mammals.
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