December 02, 2009

Life without Plastic

Life without Plastic is a blog about finding alternatives to ubiquitous plastics, particularly in packaging.

More and more, I find store cashiers receptive to my line of "No bag, please." Many admit that they have too many plastic bags in their house too.


John at Cell Phone Recycling said...

I must admit, sometimes I can't avoid using plastics, I am guilty of that but as much as I can I always find ways to dispose them properly.....

Holly Heyser said...

I used to use only canvas bags - until I found myself with three cats in the house. Now I'll deliberately get plastic at the store for cleaning the catbox. At least it's getting re-used...

Anonymous said...

I keep a half dozen nylon bags with teensy litte stuff sacks in my purse or backpack. They hold more than the cheap plastic ones, are sturdier and easier for dog and I to carry.

The occasional plastic one we get ends up being re-used to pick up dog poop.

The ubiquitious, over-sized, impossible-to-open, warehouse-filling, landfill-clogging, clamshell packaging is one of my pet peeves.

Why not take the money wasted on creating and disposing of it to hire more retail staff?

Holly Heyser said...

It seems the only reason unemployment numbers have improved is that more people are on someone's payroll as spammers these days. Sigh.

Chas S. Clifton said...

For some reason, a lot of blog spam seems to be coming from Manila. Evidently they are learning from their co-conspirators in India.

Holly Heyser said...

You mean this isn't even helping our economy? Now I'm really mad.