New T-shirts in hand, M. and I are home from the annual Colorado Division of Wildlife volunteer-appreciation banquet for the southeast region. It was at the abbey in Cañon City this year, not too long a drive, so we went.
There were door prizes and awards, a slide show of volunteers helping on various projectd—the usual. Some volunteers help by staffing regional offices and answering information-seekers.
The best part of the show was a series of true telephone conversations.
Some samples:
Caller: We saw a coyote in a residential area. Is it legal for them to be there?Never miss an opportunity for education:
DOW: Yes.
Caller: There is an owl stuck up in a tree.Or how would this be for a wildlife-transport request?
DOW: Owls roost in trees.
Caller: I found an injured deer. I can stay here until someone comes.
DOW: Where are you calling from?
Caller: Pennsylvania.
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