Bald eagles at Pueblo Reservoir (Ron Drummond/CPW) |
Too often, we are facilitating an injured hawk or owl's rendezvous with a hypodermic needle. But sometimes there is good news and we get to release a rehabilitated bird.
At the center of this whirl stands Raptor Center director Diana Miller, and the Colorado Springs Gaztte has an article about her: "Raptor center gives southern Colorado raptors a second chance at survival."
The ICU sees roughly 250 birds a year - about half of which are released back into the wild after a few months in captivity, said Diana Miller, director of the center.Miller and some volunteers will be center-stage again next weekend during Pueblo Eagle Days on the 3rd through 5th.
"They get hit by cars, they get electrocuted on power lines, they get hung up on barbed wire," Miller said. "There's a million things that can go wrong. It's not an easy life when you're out and about."
Stop by the state park headquarters at Pueblo Reservoir and see if you have what it takes to look an eagle in the eye.
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