August 10, 2011

Done with AmeriGas, I Hope

On July 11th, having switched to a local propane provider, I sent a letter to the AmeriGas manager in Colorado Springs, Rick Rivers, requesting that the rented tank be removed from our guest cabin.

Coincidentally, one of the neighbors also abandoned AmeriGas over pricing issues and switched to a different local propane provider.

That meant that two tanks were sitting in the tall grass waiting to be picked up. Some time last week they disappeared. Wonderful. If they try to charge me for that service, I may have to point out that I do not have a signed agreement with them. I don't think I had a signed agreement with the predecessor company either.

So is this the end of our saga of trying to get free from AmeriGas? I hope so.

Previous AmeriGas entries from last winter:

AmeriGas: We'll Let You Freeze

AmeriGas: Poor Customer Service—Nationwide! 

AmeriGas's Phony Fran Found This Blog

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