August 01, 2011

I Am 80 Percent a Coloradan

At least I have done only eight of the "must-do" items on this Denver Post list. Never been to those particular hot springs and, it's true, never attended a concert at Red Rocks.

But I'm ten for ten on the secondary list. So there.


Peculiar said...

Forget the overused, road-afflicted, mine-polluted, day-stretch Arkansas: the Yampa is certainly Colorado's essential river trip. Or else the Dolores.

I've listened to a Colorado coyote shriek like a bloodthirsty sasquatch. Does that trump the elk? But I'm hardly a Coloradan, whether I've registered cars there or not. Heck, there are probably plenty of Texans who score 100% on this list. And where's the love for Colorado Gators?

BorderWars said...

Hehehe, Peculiar, that's because most Texans I've met here don't even consider Colorado a real state, they insist that it should more appropriately be called "The Texas State Park."

Peculiar said...

That'd be "The Texas State Park North." We New Mexicans get to be the other one.