May 01, 2007

'Final Exam' at the Cactus Flower

The semester ends in a mixture of exhaustion, graduation parties, uncertainties, new jobs, and everyone saying, "Now I get to read the books that I want to read."

The nature-writing class met today for its final exam, which meant turning portfolios and reading the menu at the Cactus Flower restaurant in north Pueblo.

Here they are, by their blogging handles, starting at top left: [1st photo] RFaithHughes, Shelly, michellew, K, Frank Oteri

[2nd photo] April Maes, meg_nicholle, Sara M. Kelly, Holly Beth, J. Ben Manzanares

[3rd photo] Juliana, Kati Rice. Not shown: JPH.

A great group, and I wish them all possible success.


Katie Rice said...

Hahaha! Even though you caught me drinking my pop, at least that picture of me and Juli is a good one. Hands down, your "final" is my favorite!

Anonymous said...

HOLY WHOA !!!! Its Frank Oteri...him and i were in the lame'o army WAYY back in the day...if anyone could tell him that i said hi and that he should contact me at that would be AWESOME !!!!
William Brown

Chas S. Clifton said...


I will forward your message to him. Good luck.
