• I cannot think of any job more frustrating (assuming that one took it seriously) than to be director general of Afghanistan’s National Environmental Protection Agency. On the other hand, the news about Persian leopards is surprising.
• Myths about carrying concealed weapons. There is one that I tend to be guilty of too.
• From National Geographic, the economic and conservation effects of hunting:
When you buy a camouflage camisole ($24.99) from the Ducks Unlimited catalog, a portion of the proceeds goes to conservation projects. If you visit Bozeman, Montana, and buy a pair of Schnee’s Pac boots, you will find a tag dangling from the laces, along with a promise that the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation will receive some of your money for elk conservation projects.• You probably did not know that sometimes squirrels are carnivorous.
“It’s the hunters who keep most of these species going,” said Jim Clay, a middle school English teacher, hunter, and maker of turkey calls in Winchester, Virginia. “They put in the money, and they put in the hours. Hunters really care about what happens.”
At our place the score is dogs many dozens / squirrels zero; but one day at a park in Russia, the squirrels got their revenge.
I like shooting .45's best but have settled for 9 mms or even a .380 because I'm just not big enough for effective concealed carry for anything bigger. One in the chamber and safety on works best for me. YMMV.
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