January 05, 2009

Frugality -- It's Dangerous!

¶ These doggone frugal people! They are not spending enough!

Rick and Noreen Capp recently reduced their credit-card debt, opened a savings account and stopped taking their two children to restaurants. Jessica and Alan Muir have started buying children's clothes at steep markdowns, splitting bulk-food purchases with other families and gathering their firewood instead of buying it for $200 a cord.

That sounds like normal life to me--especially the day after I paid for next summer's farm share.


Smart Dogs said...

Sounds pretty normal for us too.

Something's seriously wrong when our entire economy is based on excess deficit spending at every level.

Anonymous said...

nice article :)

dr. hypercube said...

Damn that John Maynard Keynes!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like here too except we actually DO regard ourselves as spoiled yuppies.

Evidently that's on a bit of sliding scale...