February 06, 2010

More Weirdness in Lost Creek Wilderness

In a comment to my post on the strange sounds in the San Juans, Peculiar mentions something recent and sort of similar from the Lost Creek Wilderness Area, in the Pike National Forest southwest of Denver.

Yep. From my own Bigfoot-hunting (done only on the Web), I was aware of stories told and photos taken that center on a stream called, curiously, Monkey Creek, on the west side of the wilderness area.

I don't know that country--all of my modest hiking and backpacking into Lost Creek has been from the east side. Nothing out of the ordinary ever happened to me.

(Note that the 14ers.com poster was coming into the Lost Creek area from the northeast.)

My father's Forest Service career took him in and out of the Pike NF, from his late-1930s forestry school days when he planted trees there in the summer to his final position on the forest supervisor's staff in the 1960s.

So I asked him once if he knew how Monkey Creek got its name. He had no idea.

I'm still wondering.


Smart Dogs said...

Hey - I was a Forest Service brat too. Hiawatha, Inyo and Plumas NFs in the 60's and early 70's.

Chas S. Clifton said...

Northern California and the UP ... I would like to see more of both those places.

WV: LUMPROSE. What I write when uninspired.

reibert said...

this is interesting!:)
can you write another article like this? hmm. If you dont mind, you can visit my website. thanks.


Kathryn Lecorre said...

Great blog! Thanks!
Kathryn (cabinfever)